Obtaining an Insurance License

insurance license

Obtaining an insurance insurance license is a big step in becoming a successful insurance agent. It’s important to do your research and take your time. People who have been in the industry for a long time often say it’s people’s tenacity and discipline that determines success. There are a lot of steps that you must take to get your license, including pre-licensing courses, passing a state exam and submitting to a background check.

Taking pre-license education (PLE) courses is a must for anyone interested in entering the insurance industry. This is where you will learn the basics of the industry, how policies are written and what types of coverage are available. You will also learn about the insurance market, including its strengths and weaknesses. These classes will prepare you for the state insurance exam. Each line of authority (auto, home, life, etc) has its own exam. You must pass the exam for each line of insurance that you wish to sell.

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Passing the state insurance exam can be a bit nerve-wracking. To ensure you pass your test, make sure to review your notes from your PLE class and look over the exam outline. You can find the outlines at the PSI website. It’s also a good idea to keep your fingernails short, and make sure you are well-hydrated. The last thing you want is to be dehydrated or nervous during the exam.

Most states require that you pass a background check before you are granted your license. The process varies by state, but usually includes fingerprinting. Most of the time, a fingerprint technician is on-site at the testing center.

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