Cookies vape is a weed pen that allows you to smoke marijuana without any of the hassles and complications of a traditional cigarette. It also does not emit a lot of smoke, which makes it very discreet and perfect for daytime use.
How to Tell if You Have a Fake Cookies Cartridge
There are a few things you should look for when shopping for a new weed vape cartridge or kit: First, look for lab data information. This should be printed somewhere on the packaging.
Second, make sure the weed cartridge is made by a licensed company. This should be clearly marked, and it must be sold through authorized dispensaries.
How to Charge and Store Your Cookie Batteries for Long-lasting Use
Third, check the label to see if the product is nicotine free. E-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes contain liquid nicotine, which is addictive and toxic.
Finally, a legitimate weed vape should include a CCELL battery that heats the coil so fresh steamy clouds roll directly into your lungs. Phony CCELL batteries are often a big warning sign.
The box should also contain a micro-USB charger, so you can charge the device at any time. Any e-cigarette that does not come with these features is fake, and you should never buy one.