How Many People Are Employed by a Temporary Workers Agency in France

While the number of temporary workers is increasing, there is no clear way to determine how many are working for a single temporary workers agency. While the Services Directive focuses on competition in the services industry, France’s social partners have viewed it as a threat to employment. While there was a debate in the French Parliament over whether or not the directive is an unfair competition, the social partners did not consider it an employment issue.

What Is How Many People Are Employed By A Temporary Workers Agency In France And How Does It Work?

In France, temporary workers are employed by a wide range of companies. The temporary-employment agency (le recrutement en entreprise) is an employer of a particular type of worker. In exchange, the employee pays a fee for services rendered. The worker pays for the services provided, and the employer is responsible for paying the worker’s wages and benefits. Moreover, workers who work for the temporary-employment agencies are not eligible for social security benefits.

There are two sources of data on the employment of temporary agency workers in France. The DARES UNEDIC source makes use of the monthly declarations made by agency employees. The INSEE Enquete sur l’emploi collects individual data and can be used to describe the population of agency workers. However, the methodology of the Enquete sur l’emploi has changed since 2005, so there are no precise figures.

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