Category: Tech

IP Proxy and VPN Detection API

Many IP proxy and VPN detection APIs use proxies and VPNs to commit attacks, such as account takeovers, carding, and phishing, with reduced risk of detection. However, legitimate users also rely on these services to protect their privacy and security. For this reason, detecting proxies and VPNs is an important step in the fraud detection process.

SEON offers a robust IP proxy and VPN detection API that checks for a variety of indicators, including residential and mobile proxies, open ports, Tor exit nodes, data centers, and hosting providers. The API also provides smart scoring that avoids false-positives from IP ranges that are commonly shared among proxies, or those that are recycled frequently.

Beyond the URL: Harnessing the Power of Domain Reputation APIs for Secure Online Interactions

A common indicator of proxy use is a mismatch between the operating system detected by the browser and that reported in packet headers. However, this method can be fooled by a wide range of factors, from network configuration changes to user agent strings. To overcome this issue, SEON uses MTU analysis, a more accurate proxy detection technique that evaluates the size of each packet in order to identify if an anomalous value is present.

Another important indicator of proxy use is when a user’s IP address location changes too rapidly. This may suggest the use of a virtual private network, where the user’s connection travels across vast geographical distances. This can be identified by analyzing the time zone changes of an IP, and by using logic to detect impossible travel times, such as moving from New York to Tokyo in seconds.

Spray Foam Insulation

When properly installed by a licensed spray foam insulation contractor, spray foam is an excellent insulator. It seals and fills gaps in your wood-framed building envelope, which prevents air leakage, and it creates an effective barrier to the outside elements. That’s why it’s so popular in new construction homes, as well as re-insulating old ones and improving the efficiency of a home or commercial space.

In addition, it provides better soundproofing than other insulators. It also has a high R-value (the measure of heat resistance), which means it offers a higher level of thermal protection in less space than other types of insulation.

Say Goodbye to Drafts: How Spray Foam Insulation Improves Home Air Sealing

SPF (short for spray polyurethane) insulation is applied to walls, ceilings and attics with a special rig that combines two liquid chemicals. The resulting SPF insulation expands and hardens as it is applied. When sprayed, it covers every crack and crevice of the area you want to insulate.

As you can imagine, using this product requires a lot of training and licensing. The rigs the installers use are very large and contain advanced safety equipment. It’s important that they wear protective gear to avoid breathing in the toxic chemicals while they work, and that you be out of the house for a day or so while it’s curing.

The good news is that the chemistry used to make SPF insulation contains no HCFCs, HCFC-22, and HCFC-404A (which are greenhouse gases) and uses the newer HFO blowing agents, which have a low global warming potential of 1.…

10Gbps Servers – Essential For Businesses That Require Bandwidth and Throughput

Lyra offers a range of 10Gbps Server | that are built to provide superior performance, reliability and compatibility for your business. These high-performance dedicated servers are optimized for Windows and Linux environments, enabling you to experience fast data transfer and smooth project performance without compromise.

What type of services are dedicated to a server?

A 10Gbps connection is ideal for a variety of use cases and applications. For example, content delivery networks (CDNs) that deliver HD video to multiple devices; IPTV and media streaming solutions that require large amounts of bandwidth; and file sharing projects that demand speedy downloads.

AI & Big Data: Many AI applications require fast access to data for faster insights, such as predictive analytics and artificial intelligence. A 10Gbps connection will ensure that your AI engines have a high speed connection to the data, enabling you to get real-time analytics and insights.

Web Hosting: As residential internet speeds increase, it becomes more important for websites to have high speed connections and a 10Gbps server will help you achieve this goal. For instance, if you have a high-traffic website with many users downloading files at once, a high speed connection is vital to keep your customers happy and to make sure they receive the best possible experience on your site.

10Gbps servers can also be used in a variety of other businesses that require high-speed connectivity. For example, crypto exchanges and mining markets need high bandwidth to maintain a high level of security. Similarly, government agencies often experience high traffic during critical times of the year and a 10Gbps connection will allow them to keep their services running smoothly.

Managed IT Chicago Services


managed it chicago

 Chicago Managed IT services provide a variety of benefits to business owners. Whether you need help with security, email management, or computer network administration, managed IT Chicago providers can handle your problem. The experienced staff at these companies can help you keep your IT systems up and running efficiently, reducing your IT burden and boosting your productivity.

What you should know about managed it chicago? 

Managing IT services can be an ongoing challenge for many businesses, especially those in Chicago. With managed IT Chicago services, you can get rid of the tedious tasks and enjoy the benefits of a reliable, professional managed IT service provider. Outsourcing this task to the right professional can save your company from costly downtime and monetary loss.

Why You Should Get The Best Gaming Laptop Under A 1500$ Deal?

Are you looking for the best gaming laptop that can give you more benefits? Then you have come to the right articles. Gaming laptop is one of the most demanded products in the market today, especially among the PC users. They need to ensure that their laptops can support their needs in terms of giving them more comfort while working as well as in gaming and entertaining activities. Find out this link to read more useful information.

Here’s A Quick Way To Solve A Problem With Why You Should Get The Best Gaming Laptop Under A 1500$ Deal?

So when a common man believes that he can get such an expensive gaming laptop, he first picks gaming laptops with very powerful processors that they could play all types of games easily, but now, gaming laptops are no more in demand and their prices have also become very high, so this article would tell you all the important features of the latest Intel Core i7-uated processors that can make your laptop work faster than ever. It has been found out that most of the laptops are using the AMD processor because it uses the unlocked Intel Core i7-auction, which has the maximum 6-core processor that supports Hyper-threading that is one of the most important features of this processor, which means you’ll get the best processing power while gaming or doing whatever you do on your laptop. If you want to get the best gaming laptop that can give you the best processing power and yet would be affordable, you should go for the latest Intel Core i7-processor, which is the best gaming option available in the market today.

The latest technology that can make your laptop faster is the new cooling solution called the Gentle Typhoon cooler, which utilizes the heat sinking technology which allows the CPU fans to perform its duty while keeping the system’s temperatures down. With this cooler, the temperature of the CPU will automatically decrease when the computer is starting up. This cooling solution also provides a huge increase in the power saving time and a large increase in the motherboard portability, while not compromising the quality and performance. It has the most advanced and most durable cooling component with the dual fans placed behind the motherboard that will help to keep the heat away from the sensitive electronics inside your laptop. This amazing cooling system will keep your laptop in a state of cooling even when the power is off, which will ensure that your laptop will never overheat.